Online Bible Study Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Answers
I can't find my confirmation email with the free downloads. Was it sent?
You should receive the confirmation email within 15 minutes after signing up. If you don’t see it in your inbox, check your spam or junk folders. Look for sender name Study Gateway OBS and sender email address newsletter@e.studygateway.com. Gmail users, the email may be located in the Promotions tab. If you still can’t find the email, you can try to register again (make sure there are no typos in your email) or contact our customer support team – they’d be happy to help you!
How can I engage with my small group or church on Facebook?
Are you a church or small group leader looking for a way to connect your members together to promote community during the Goliath Must Fall Online video study? If you already have a Facebook group for your church or small group, great! We want to encourage you to use it during the study so all the women in your church or group participating can connect, engage, and encourage one another as they go through the study together. If you don’t have an existing Facebook group, don’t worry! We’re here to help you get one set up with a few easy-to-follow steps! Click here for instructions…
I want to invite other members of my church or small group to join the study. What is the best way to do that?
It’s easy! Just send the registration page link (https://www.studygateway.com/online-bible-studies/because-of-bethlehem-registration/) in an email and they can sign up.
I'm already part of a small group at church. How can we do this study with you?
All of the online activities associated with this study are optional. You can still structure your group like a traditional Bible study using the free downloads we’ve provided and the study materials in the book. Feel free to follow our study calendar and meet every week or set up your own schedule and go at your group’s pace.
Is this something I could do via Skype? I am looking for a study to do with my friends , but we are in different cities.
Absolutely! The weekly videos will be available online so you could get on Skype (or Google Hangouts, iChat, or whatever), watch them at the same time, then talk and process through the questions and each week’s reading together. We love this idea! What an awesome way to bond with friends across the miles.
What communication can I expect to receive? I don't want to be inundated with emails.
After sign up you’ll receive an email a week as you’re going through the study. We’ll keep you updated on the assigned reading for the week and where to watch your companion videos.
My Internet connection is slow. Can I buy the DVDs and watch the videos that way?
Yes! The videos that are on the DVDs are the same videos as what will appear online. This is a nice option if you’re in a traditional church setting and don’t have an Internet connection, or if you want to do the study later and go at your own pace! Individuals can purchase the DVD from FaithGateway and pastors and ministry leaders can get the DVD from ChurchSource (save up to 50% off bulk orders).
I don't live in the USA and want to do this Bible study. How can I obtain the materials please?
Anyone with Internet access can watch the videos for FREE week by week, and follow along with our weekly emails. If you are outside the U.S., we recommend checking with your local Christian bookstore or online retailer. In Canada and the United Kingdom, for example, the materials are often available from Amazon.
Is this online Bible study for everyone?
The Because of Bethlehem online Bible study is for the entire family! Get a study guide for your spouse, kids, neighbors, small group members, and friends and invite everyone to do this study with you in the weeks leading up to Christmas!
Any other questions? Contact our helpful Customer Support Team
Monday through Friday - 8am to 5pm EST - 800-727-3480
or submit your question online.