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Editor’s note: Of all the spiritual disciplines, fasting is probably one of the least practiced. Fasting is hard. It takes grit, but it is so worth it! Since we're in the Easter/ Lenten season, you might be considering some kind of fast. Enjoy this excerpt from A Savior Is Risen on fasting.


But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:17–18

The Lenten season is an ideal time to slow down and focus on our relationship with God. After all, the cross of Christ is something that calls for contemplation. But a lifestyle of constant scrolling, binge-watching, news alerts, and information overload can make it difficult to focus. If we want to lean in and focus on our relationship with God, we might consider participating in a modern-day fast.

When we think about fasting, we often associate it with abstaining from food for a specific amount of time, but we can also fast from things like social media, TV, caffeine, or entertainment. Initially, that might not sound beneficial, but fasting makes us aware of how many distractions we have in our lives. It also helps us remember our dependence on God and our reliance on Him for our emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.

  • When we simplify, we find freedom.

We often get caught in cycles where we think we need screens or sweets or excess exercise to help us feel happy. When we break that cycle and realize what we’re really looking for, we start to find healing and do some deeper emotional work.

Maybe your fast is the beginning of a longer journey that can be done with a church leader or therapist. No matter what, your fast is an active practice of trusting and experiencing God, as you experience His faithfulness to fulfill you.

Lord, I need You more than I need to be entertained — I even need You more than my next meal. Teach me to fast and pray in a way that worships You and brings You glory.

Excerpted with permission from A Savior Is Risen by Susan Hill, copyright Zondervan.

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Your Turn

Are you planning to fast something during Lent? Maybe social media, or chocolate, or TV? Turning our hearts away from something in order to focus more attention on Jesus will awaken your heart. ~ Devotionals Daily