Why would Jesus weep when He was about to do something so awesome? Why didn’t He look at all these people and say, “What’s wrong with you? I’m about to raise Lazarus from the dead. Stop your crying!”
Instead of doing that, He wept with them. Why? Because this action gives us a glimpse into the heart of God. God takes no pleasure in our pain, nor is He separate from our pain. God is not the cosmic killjoy. God is not up in Heaven trying to ruin things or force us to live miserable lives. No. He weeps with us. He feels pain with us. He is with us.
You might say,
- “Well, if God is so good and God is so loving, why doesn’t He stop weeping with us and do something about our pain?”
Here is what I say to people who think this way: God did do something about our pain. He came to earth, lived in the flesh, died on the cross, and rose again so our pain doesn’t have the final say. God has the final say. That is what #butGod is all about. Yes, we live with pain. That’s a natural part of this life, but God comforts us, strengthens us, and one day in eternity will completely free us of all pain. That’s the beautiful hope of the gospel.
When I hear anyone questioning God’s actions (or perhaps what they qualify as inactions), what I hear is them suggesting God doesn’t really care about us. Why would a loving God allow pain into our lives? Here is my perspective on that. Let’s say you don’t believe in God. Does cancer still happen? Yep. Does death still happen? Yeah. Even if you don’t believe in God, all those things still happen. The question is: Do you want to handle all of that on your own, or do you want to go through that awful experience with Someone by your side, holding you up, giving your suffering even greater purpose?
I think you would much rather say, “Man, I actually believe there is a God who created a perfect world. Sin wrecked it, and because of sin, brokenness abounds. But because God is so good, He has not left us on our own. He remains with us at all times, and not just when things are good. He comes to us in our own brokenness. He sometimes heals our pain temporarily on this earth, but even when He doesn’t, He gives us what we need to endure. One day though, He will heal us completely forever in Heaven.”
- Without a belief in God, there is no beauty in the story of life, nor is there a point to suffering.
Without God, you believe your pain is all there is and healing is only possible through beating the odds on your own. Instead of dreaming of redemption, you picture dying and going into the ground. That’s it. There’s nothing more to it. If you ask me, that’s a horrible way to live. And I find most people don’t necessarily live like this when things are good. Yet, we can’t blame God when things go badly and take the credit when things go well.
Ask yourself the bigger questions in life and be honest about the answers. God brings purpose to your pain and suffering. Caleb’s life is a perfect example of pain redeemed. Remember the words of the apostle Paul as he shared the secret of contentment:
For I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:11–13
Believe me, Christ strengthens you — but not through experiences you will necessarily welcome or love. Sometimes He wrecks you to remind you of His infinite love, and that only in and through Him will you be completely satisfied.
Written for Devotionals Daily by Jeremy Freeman, author of #butGod.