Today's inspiration comes from: Unshakeable by Christine Caine |
‘My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.’ — John 4:34
Distractions. We all face them on a daily basis. Whether they’re relatively harmless or destructive, God wants us to resist them and keep the main thing the main thing — fulfilling our purpose.
None of us wants to live a life where we can say we have done many things but not the one thing God assigned us.
We want to cultivate a habit of focus, and the motivation that comes from a clear vision. We want the grit to complete our task, and the guts to say no when we need to. Extraordinary accomplishments in the kingdom of God are rarely happenstance. They result from our daily choices and everyday actions. But we must decide to be single-minded and focused on the task He’s given us. I cringe to think of the great works for God that were never finished because people grew distracted from their purpose.
Determine in your heart today to stay focused so you can finish well what God has called you to do. He promises to instruct you on the way you should go and to guide you as you follow Him (Psalm 32:8). Lord God, please show me which tasks You have for me, and thank You for strength as I persevere and complete those tasks. * |
"Stay focused so you can finish well what God has called you to do." — Christine Caine |
"Stay focused so you can finish well what God has called you to do." — Christine Caine |
I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you? — Nehemiah 6:3
If you are committed to the work God has given you, you’ll find it easier to say no to any lesser thing. You’ll be able to focus on your mission and say no to distractions — just as Nehemiah did.
Nehemiah and his men had begun the formidable task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem that had been destroyed by the Babylonians. He faced opposition and ridicule, but he was determined to finish this assignment God had given him. When his enemies invited him to meet with them, they hoped they could make Nehemiah stop his work. But Nehemiah was committed to what God had called him to do. He would not be sidetracked or tricked into coming down. Nehemiah wouldn’t engage in petty debates or get involved in any activity that would take him away from his God-given task to rebuild the walls.
What pressures and tactics are coming at you today? What’s keeping you from working on your “great project”? Ask God for discernment and guidance, and with His wisdom, determine which things you won’t stop for. Then you can say:
I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. — Psalm 16:8 NASB Lord, it is a privilege to be given work that makes a difference for Your kingdom. Show me how to keep my focus! Excerpted with permission from Unshakeable: 365 Devotions for Finding Strength in God’s Word by Christine Caine, copyright Christine Caine. * * * |
It’s so easy to get distracted. Some have said that if the devil can’t disrupt your purpose by shaking your faith, he’ll just make you too busy to do what God wills for you. Let’s stay focused! Come share your thoughts on distraction. We want to hear from you! |
Find confidence to live as the person God created you to be |
Unshakeable: 365 Devotions for Finding Unwavering Strength in God’s Word |
God is bigger than your current story. Bigger than fear or shame or that voice in your head that whispers that you are not enough, too broken, or too flawed. Join Him in a closer relationship--one rooted in truth and Unshakeable. In this daily devotional Christine Caine encourages you to find confidence to live as the person God created you to be. Unshakeable is a great 365-day devotional, if you want to: -
Learn from inspiring personal stories and powerful scripture that will equip you to live boldly and courageously
- Discover how to fully trust our faithful God
- Be inspired to activate living your life on mission
Everything in our world that can be shaken will be shaken. And yet, the Bible assures us it doesn't matter what happens politically, morally, socially, or economically in the world around us if we have Christ in us--if we have the kingdom of God within us--because His kingdom is Unshakeable. |
More from Christine Caine |
Discover a life of resilient hope and develop the endurance you need to keep moving forward in life--one mountain at a time--through this 100-day devotional journey.
Grow stronger and build endurance through devotionals featuring a Bible verse, reflections and stories from Christine, and a prayer––all so you can fulfill your God-given purpose in the face of setbacks and disappointments. |
| Your best days are ahead of you, not behind you. It may not always seem like it, look like it, or feel like it—but it’s true. Step into a life that is greater than you could ever hope, think, or imagine - even when things are hard.
In How Did I Get Here?, Christine Caine invites us to press on - past our fears, past our mistakes, past our insecurities, past our comfort zones, past whatever is holding us back - to reach for more of Jesus. |
“Whether you are currently on a sunny mountaintop or trudging through a harrowing valley, God is weaving your story into His greater plan." - Shannon Bream
Friends, the same God who worked mightily in the lives of the women of the Bible is at work in yours, too! Sign up now and join us for our Advent Online Bible Study - The Women of the Bible Speak by Shannon Bream. |
this devotion with someone who needs it today |