Editor's note: Hey, parents, grandparents, and caretakers, believe it or not, the school year is right around the corner! Let's pray those kids we love and their teachers who are heroes through the school year! Enjoy this excerpt of Pocket Prayer for Teachers.
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. — Psalm 31:24 NIV
Precious Lord, You are faithful and true, and You never change.
It feels as if the world of education changes all the time — new ideas, new laws, new requirements. In a shifting world remind me that my hope is in you. I don’t want to misplace my faith by putting it in man-made standards. I want my faith firmly grounded in your standards, your promises, and your truth.
When my colleagues are caught up in the swirl of change, remind them to be strong and faithful. When the students are overtested and underachieving, help us show them their true worth as children of God.
Thank You for never changing and for always keeping Your promises. I know You have the world in Your hands.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” — Isaiah 30:21 NIV
Mighty God, You are omniscient. You know all, see all, and understand all things. You created everything in Your time and for Your purpose.
Sometimes I feel as though I have no idea what I’m doing. There are days I worry that I’m failing my students, that maybe I’ve even chosen the wrong career. Would You remind me I’m not alone? Let me hear Your voice and Your words of soothing reassurance.
When my teacher friends are confused and feel lost, please whisper hints of Your love, reassuring them that, no matter what, You are always present and You are in control.
Thank You for being the Lord of my life. Thank You for guiding me each moment and for demonstrating your eternal love.
In Christ’s name, amen.