Pass It On
Billy and Ruth Graham passed on the Baton of Truth . . . to Anne Graham Lotz, who passed it to Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright, who now relays it to you.
Now the passing of the Baton is up to you.
Think about it. The Baton of Truth was received by Adam and Eve face-to-face and then relayed faith-to-faith from generation to generation. But it’s the same Baton . . . the same Truth . . . the same good news . . . the same gospel . . . that God loves you!
He wants you to know Him in a personal relationship. Your sin has separated you from Him, but you can enter into a relationship with Him through the sacrifice of the Lamb, whose blood was shed on the cross to make atonement for your sin. The only way to safety .. the only way into God’s ark . . . the only way to have a right relationship with God is through the blood of the Lamb, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Everyone is invited to enter. Whosoever may come. And when you come, your sins are forgiven. You have the hope of Heaven when you die. You have a right relationship with God. You have eternal life. You have Jesus. That’s the gospel.