You likely already have one or many Bibles that line your bookshelf. Why do you need this one? Simply put, the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible is one of the most comprehensive resources available today to help you deepen your understanding of Scripture.
With over 20,000 verse-by-verse notes, over 60 color charts, thousands of cross-references, and an NIV concordance, the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible allows you to ponder the major stories & themes of scripture while observing how they all fit together in God's grand biblical narrative.
Allow over 60 of the world's most respected Bible scholars to mentor you toward a deeper level of insights regarding biblical writers, the times in which they wrote, and the larger purpose of their writing in God's great story.
Previously published as the NIV Zondervan Study Bible, the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible has been renamed to reflect what this Bible does best—trace God’s redemptive plan as it unfolds throughout Scripture. The new edition also features a much-improved reading experience via the NIV Comfort Print typeface.
The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible makes a fantastic gift for anyone seeking to enhance their study of Scripture. Shop now and save 40% for a limited time.
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