Jesus does not want us to just barely make it through this thing called life. He wants us to have an abundant, passionate, purpose driven life. Yet I think the truth is, so many of us experience a spiritual life far less than all that God is purpose for us.
One of the reasons for this is that we stop looking forward towards the promises and purposes of God in the future and we keep looking back to the people and the places that have hurt us, let us down, disappointed us, or where we may be, even ourselves have faltered or failed.
We can easily get stuck looking back at our past life of comfort and ease, and we can long to go back to those good old days where everything just seemed simpler and safer. For whatever reason, we start to long for what was in the past, or linger maybe in the painful memories of the past far more than we long for what God has for us in the future. The point is, you cannot move forward while you're looking back.
Are you potentially lingering in a place where you should no longer be lingering? Are you stuck in your emotions or maybe in fear, in guilt, perhaps shame or disappointment?
There are a myriad of places that we could get stuck in and we could keep looking back. But we serve a God who keeps calling us onward and upward and forward. You and I are pilgrims on a journey. This world is not our home. So we have to determine to fix our eyes on Jesus, who is the author and the finisher of our faith.
He is the one that we are following.
He is the one that we are serving.
He is the one who is calling us deep into his promises and his purposes for our lives.
I hope you'll join me on this journey through the Don't Look Back study. Let's be honest and ask God where it is that we might be lingering so that we can stop looking back and move on into the future that God has for us.