If I had one prayer for both of us, it would be that we would not get stuck, wishing we were somewhere else with a whole different set of circumstances, and miss what God is doing right now . . . even if our ideal, our dreams, our happy endings, our somedays feel so far away.
So this is me, leaning in to tell you:
You’re not alone. You will make it.
This moment matters, and our God doesn’t waste a thing.
Therefore, stay awake, stay present, and press in!
Run to Jesus, not the other way.
Get going and make the most of every opportunity!
Don’t sit this season out.
Friend, if carpe diem literally means to “pluck the day (when it is ripe),” then we—who believe that being with Christ face-to-face and being conformed into his likeness is the fruit of harvest we ultimately long for—can seize the day, today, in the light of what God will produce in his time.
This is your last chance to join the Now and Not Yet Online Bible Study!
Are you in?
- Ruth Chou Simons