What if we lived like every day was Easter?
To all the precious procrastinators out there: this is your LAST CHANCE to join my bestie Christine Caine and me for our totally FREE online Easter Bible study - The Promise and Power of Easter!
Thirty or so years ago I heard a Bible teacher named Barbara Johnson (who’s with Jesus in Glory now) exclaim, “We’re Easter people living in a Good Friday world” and I’ve never forgotten what she said or the palpable joy in her voice when she said it. Isn’t that awesome? We’re Easter people.
The trajectory of our lives is defined by the unconditional love of Jesus Christ who willingly laid down His scepter in Glory and shrugged into a suit of skin, knowing His incarnation would ultimately lead to a cross. The King of all kings loves us so much that He chose to die once rather than be separated from us forever. He became like us in order to redeem us!
I'd love for you to join me and my dear friend Christine Caine and me for The Promise and Power of Easter online Bible Study to marinate in the miraculous reality of Easter. I can't wait to get started and it won't be the same without YOU!